Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium is money which is delegated to schools to ensure that disadvantaged children are making good or better progress to ensure that their attainment reaches A.R.E (Age related expectations).
15% of pupils are in receipt of Free School Meals and our Pupil Premium figure is 27% The school is at the high end of FSM band 2. 13% of our pupils are on the vulnerable Pupil Record (VPR).
2013-2014 | Cost |
Year R | £3456 |
Year 1 | £3009 |
Year 2 | £2860 |
Year 3 | £2445 |
Year 4 | £2160 |
Year 5 | £2016 |
Year 6 | £2400 |
Teaching Assistants | £13890 |
Staffing | £68007 |
Resources | £4001 |