Aims of Elm Hall’s Curriculum: Learning and Loving It
At Elm Hall Primary School, we strive to provide a warm, accepting culture and climate in which the children can fulfil their full potential. We value having a vibrant learning culture that feeds into creating children with strong learning attitudes and skills to be successful with dynamic modern life.
We believe strongly in teaching an enjoyable, creative curriculum that sets high expectations, engages all and facilitates strong academic and social progress. This allows children to grapple with new concepts, develop as individuals, work co-operatively and instil a caring attitude that they can carry forward with them for their exciting futures. From the moment children enter the school, we aim to encourage a growth mind-set perspective where we promote all learners to take on challenges, take risks and learn from mistakes. We also believe in working in partnership with parents to achieve the best possible outcomes for all.
The curriculum has been designed to meet the needs of our pupils and catchment area, focusing on the key areas of health and well-being, developing academic attitudes and promoting resilience. It has also been built on modern learning theories, how we memorise and key life-style features that promote academic success.