Parent Teacher Association
The Parents Teachers Association (PTA) is just that - a committee of parents working together with staff for the good of the school. The PTA is a bridge between the school and parents and draws them together in a common goal – making Catsfield School the best it can be.
The majority of the PTA’s work focuses on fundraising but linked into this is a social aspect – with family fun days, children's discos and movie nights, fetes and fairs. The children, parents and teachers are given a way to enjoy the social aspects of school life and also feel part of the wider community of Catsfield village.
The PTA has a core committee – a team of dedicated organisers who set all the wheels in motion for the main fundraising events and extra-curricular activities provided by the PTA. The Committee meet on a regular basis (once a term) – anyone is able to join and new members are always welcome. The AGM is held in October and it’s the perfect opportunity to get on board.
Please see the newsletters for a list of upcoming events.
If you would like to join the PTA or offer some support please contact
How do the PTA use their funds?
The PTA raise funds to support a range or projects and help buy resources that we might not be able to do with out their contribution.
In the past year the PTA have supported the following:
Subsidising class trips.
Bird Box with camera for Early Years.
Maths Passports for every pupil.
Maths resources to enhance learning.
Leavers Year Books.
Yar 6 Leavers gift to the school- Playground clock.