Support for Families
Please see the links below for a number of groups who can offer support, and underneath, a document listing courses being run by the East Sussex Parenting Team.
Neuro Ninjas: More often than not, the key to cracking barriers to progress, attendance or anxiety for children lies in the family’s whole approach and Andrew is on a mission to help everyone become a Neuro-Ninja. Andrew and his team are continuing their work with the school and I hope some of you will be able to make the most of the support programmes on offer. Do sign up to the learning hub by clicking below to access all their content!
Family Hub Support Line: If you are looking for advice, support or information…but just don’t know where to begin, the Family Hub support team is the place to start. They can be contacted on 01323 464655 or email familyhubs@eastsussex.gov.uk and they are available for general advice as well as signposting where to go next. This may be to the Parenting Team, School Health Team or other organisation. You can also visit their website by clicking here.
The East Sussex Parenting Team: This team has been around for a few years and known by different names but have recently rebranded…to keep things simple! They can be contacted on EH.0-19parentingteam@eastsussex.gov.uk, https://www.openforparents.org.uk/ or by calling 01424 725800 and can provide a quick conversation on the phone, offer to send on information or suggest one of their programmes to access. As part of the rebrand, they now offer support for children aged 0 all the way to 19 and have a range of shorter 45 minute information sessions up to 8 week programmes covering topics ranging from managing anxiety, starting school (primary and secondary), dealing with disobedience, sleep, managing technology, supporting SEND and others! Please see the attachments for a full outline of their offer for Apr – Jul.
School Health Team: Referring to the East Sussex School Health Service is easy. They can be found on
https://www.kentcht.nhs.uk/service/school-health-service-east-sussex/03001234062 or kentchft.esschoolhealthservice@nhs.net They are available from 8.30am until 5pm, Monday to Friday, including school holidays. There is also a confidential text messaging service for parents and carers of children of ages 5 to 19 years and also young people aged between 11 to 19 years on 07507 332 473 The School Health Team can offer support on a range or topics including sleep, toileting and behaviour patterns amongst others.
Family Support Work: This is a charity the school has worked with for many years. Their aim is to help families in Sussex to overcome their difficulties and prevent crisis. FSW support families struggling with issues such as poverty, ill health, learning difficulties, bereavement, family break-up and domestic abuse. They can be contacted on https://www.familysupportwork.org/, 01273 832963 or admin@familysupportwork.org.uk
Family Support Network: FSN offer mental health and emotional wellbeing support to children and families. They estimate 1 in 10 young people have a diagnosable mental health condition such as anxiety disorder, depression, self-harm, eating disorder or OCD. FSN My Time is helping to make a difference to children and young people affected by emotional difficulties by offering Fully Funded services across Hastings, St Leonards and Eastbourne. They can be contacted on https://www.fsncharity.co.uk/projects/my-time, 01424 377123 or email: enquiriesmytime@fsncharity.co.uk