Assessment without Levels
We assess pupil progress and attainment by following the National Curriculum in respect of age related expectations and end of year outcomes. To achieve this we monitor and assess pupil progress through our own internal assessment and moderation processes as well as statutory assessment at the end of Key Stage 2 and the following national assessments: Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA); Year 1 Phonics Check; Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check (MTC).
- Outcomes from pupil assessment are monitored and moderated within school and via school-to-school collaborative sessions. We also buy into additional support provided through the Local Authority.
- We use the outcomes of the assessments to summarise and analyse attainment and progress for our pupils and classes.
- Assessment data is used to inform teacher curriculum planning to enable pupils to meet or exceed age-related expectations.
- Teachers and leaders analyse the data across the school to ensure that pupils identified as vulnerable, more able or at particular risk are making appropriate progress and that all pupils are suitably challenged.
- The information from assessment is communicated to parents and pupils during parents evenings and via the pupils end of year report.
- Teachers base their teacher assessment judgements on a broad range of evidence from across the curriculum for each pupil.