Boxford CEVC Primary School is committed to reaping the benefits of introducing foreign languages from the beginning of Key Stage 1. We support the requirement that learning a modern foreign language is an entitlement for all pupils during their time in Key Stage 2. We believe that, regardless of the subject being taught, all children, wherever possible, should receive the same opportunities, both academic and social. No child is excluded by reason of ethnicity, gender, a learning difficulty or because they have English as an additional language. It is our intention to promote the early development of linguistic competence by challenging and motivating all learners through high expectations, a variety of teaching styles and an enriched environment. We aim to foster an interest in other languages and cultures, by making it fun and accessible to all.

Key Stage 1: Children are introduced to the concept of intercultural understanding. They learn that there are many countries, cultures and languages in the world. They begin to learn basic vocabulary in various languages and participate in intercultural learning days, such as the European Day of Languages in September. Young children are receptive and curious about new sounds and new words. They are not so self-conscious about speaking in front of or to others in a foreign language. There is also a KS1 French club where children have the oppotunity to learn French through music.
Key Stage 2: Children in Years 3-6 have an hour of French each week. Equal emphasis is placed on the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, and we integrate language learning into everyday school life e.g. register, today's date etc. We foster a problem-solving approach, giving children opportunities to work out language use for themselves in a supportive context, where risk-taking and creativity are encouraged. Our planning and assessment is based on the RIGOLO programme, and Music and ICT are used to enhance teaching and learning.
The school has also previously achieved Linguamarque Gold school.