Pupil Premium Funding
What is Pupil Premium Funding?
Pupil Premium Funding is allocated by the Government to support the learning and development of pupils who are registered as eligible for free school meals over the past 6 years (Ever6), Looked After Children, and pupils living with adoptive parents or are privately fostered.
“The Pupil Premium for disadvantaged pupils will provide additional funding specifically linked to disadvantaged pupils; with the primary objective of boosting their attainment…We will expect schools to account to parents for how it is used.” (page 81, White Paper 2010)
How Boxford CEVC Primary School is spending the Pupil Premium Funding:
At Boxford CEVC Primary School we use this significant funding in a variety of ways to ensure that eligible pupils and their families are well supported so that pupils can make the expected or better than expected progress in their learning. Please visit the Policies page to access all documentation relating to Pupil Premium.
What barriers to learning do Pupil Premium children face?
Pupil premium children can face a number of different barriers.
- Attendance levels are lower and this has a direct impact on progress, attainment and social inclusion.
- Some PP children will have attended a number of different educational settings. This can result in gaps in their education and can lower social inclusion.
- Aspirations can be lower, resulting in lower progress and attainment
- Wider experience and extra curricular up take is lower.