2020-2021 School Blog
Fun in Forest School!
Mrs Gibbens has returned this term to take the children for a Forest School experience. Come rain or shine, they have enjoyed being outside exploring and having fun in the wooded area at school. Forest School develops confidence and self-esteem through hands-on experiences in a natural setting. All the children thoroughly enjoyed their time outside – thank you Mrs Gibbens!
Year 6 learn to fence
Year 6 were invited to participate in a fencing event hosted by TGS. The children were trained by Andrew Beevers who is a former GB international fencer having represented his country at World, European and Commonwealth level. The children learnt how to start using the ‘En-garde’ position and how to move forwards and backwards. They ended the session with mini duels.
The children really enjoyed the experience, they behaved impeccably and were a credit to Boxford School – well done Y6.

The BIG library renovation project
FoBS are currently fundraising for the BIG library renovation project which we're hoping will take place over the summer holidays and be completed in time for the next academic year starting in September. The plans include new shelving, flooring and the creation of a reading zone. The fundraising is going well and we're extremely grateful for everyone's support. We have some exciting news to report this week, Boxford Parish Council have donated £2,500 to the library fund! FoBS has also received a further £2,000 from philanthropist Lady Getty, thanks to a lovely letter that Emily G from Y6 wrote. In addition, Edwardstone United Charities have generously donated £1,500 – this brings our library total to a massive £11,000! A HUGE thank you to all those that have donated so far – the new library will make such a huge difference and excitingly, we’re nearly there!
Sports Day 2021
Although we were unfortunately not able to host parents this year, Sports Day did go ahead for both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Key Stage 1 children had a great morning taking part in a range of sporting activities including hurdles, long jump, bean bag throwing, relay races and sack racing. Key Stage 2 children also had a fantastic time with the sack race proving to be a great source of entertainment. The relay race was hotly contested and, in Year 6, the fastest girl was awarded to Martha and fastest boy awarded to Freddie L. The award for the fastest runner overall in year 6 went to Martha, well done!
Year 4 art
Year 4 have been inspired by the famous artists Joan Miro and Piet Mondrian to create their own abstract artwork. We love the colours and vibrancy of these pieces which would look fabulous on any wall. Fantastic job Year 4!
Green Cross code
Year 3 have been learning all about the Green Cross code. Launched in 1970, the Green Cross code has taught, and continues to teach, generations of children to cross roads safely using six simple steps; Think, Stop, Look & Listen, Wait, Look & Listen again, Arrive Alive. Year 3 have created some excellent posters displaying all the key steps.
Keeping fit and healthy
Year 6 have been learning all about how a balanced diet, plenty of sleep and regular exercise help to keep us fit and healthy. They've put together posters displaying lots of useful tips to inspire us all to keep active and well.
Year 1 Farms
Year 1 have been learning all about plants this week, focussing on farms and how we grow crops. They then designed their own colourful farms putting all their new knowledge to use.
Year 2 Elmer creations
Year 2 have been exploring different forms of art such as painting and collages to create some wonderful pictures of a very famous elephant. These bright and colourful Elmers are fantastic, excellent work Year 2.
Year 2 bug and hedgehog houses
Year 2 have been upcycling cardboard boxes and plastic buckets to create fabulous bug hotels and hedgehog homes. The children have shown great creativity and imagination and we're sure that bugs and hedgehogs will love them!
Year 5 Artwork
Year 5 have been perfecting their shading skills by producing some extremely accurate still-lifes using everyday objects found in a classroom. We're so impressed by their attention to detail and their abiliby to make something as simple as a ruler into an object of beauty. Well done Year 5!
World Book Day
Staff didn’t disappoint when it came to dressing up as their favourite book or character – can you work out who dressed as who? We have: BFG, Professor Dolores Umbridge, Profesor Sybill Trelawney (Harry Potter characters), Elizabeth Bennet, The Bad Tempered Ladybird, The Tiger that came to Tea, Asterix and Pete the Cat.
Fabulous Self-Portrait competition
The whole school was challenged to a self-portrait competition over half term. Encouraged to use any medium they would like, children came back to school with some wonderful pieces. Here's a small selection, we love the range of styles and the vibrancy. Thank you to all who got involved and we hope that you enjoyed it!
Spaghetti and Marshmallow Towers
Year 3 have been learning all about structures in DT. Using spaghetti and marshmallows, they were challenged to build their own, using famous buildings such as the Eiffel Tower as inspiration. They learnt how to build a big base and then taper the structure as it got higher. We are so impressed by what they've achieved, well done!
Lockdown learning starts again
Sadly, the beginning of the Spring term hasn't quite gone to plan. A national lockdown, including the closure of all schools, was announced just hours before the children were due back for the start of term. Whilst this was a shock to all, we have been so impressed by the resilience of our children and are incredibly grateful for all the support they receive from their wonderful families. Here are just a few photos of our brilliant children, taking it all in their stride, and enjoying the work that has been set for them whilst they're home learning. You're all amazing!
The Panto comes to Boxford!
As the end of term drew closer, the Christmas spirit was in full evidence at Boxford School. The children all watched a pantomine in their class bubbles and, as a surprise, the staff all dressed up as well-known characters! From Cinderella to Puss in Boots, to Dick Whittington and his cat, the team clearly had a ball - see if you can work out who's who in the photos below! Happy Christmas everyone and enjoy a well-deserved and restful holiday.
Kings, Queens, Knights and Princesses
Year 1 had a great time dressing up as kings, queens, princes, princesses or knights for the day. They learnt all about coats of arms and they all had a go creating their own. They made some excellent shields and crowns and even made a coat of arms for Boxford School!
Year 2 deck the hall with advent pockets
Thank you to Year 2 for making the main hall so fun and festive! The year group have made advent pockets, with each pocket containing something they would like to do in class. So far, they've enjoyed listening to Christmas songs and each class has received a Dojo. A lovely idea and a great way to build up the Christmas spirit over the last few weeks of term.
Reception win the 20p and 5p Challenge for FOBs
Huge congratulations to Reception who have won the FOBs challenge of collecting 20p and 5p coins. Their sterling effort resulted in a very impressive total of £126.82 proving that, if you look after those pennies, the pounds certainly do look after themselves. Hot on their heels was Year 4 with £102.65, another brilliant amount. Reception now have a visit from the Suffolk Wildlife Trust, where they will learn all about hedgehogs, to look forward to!
FOBs are delighted to announce that the challenge raised a huge £434.07 - thank you to everyone who supported it.
Viking Longships
Having studied Vikings in great detail, Year 4 put their creative caps on and made some fantastically intimidating longships. We love their brightly coloured sails and decorated shields - they certainly would have sent a shiver of fear down any onlooker's spine!
Castle Creation by Year 1
Year 1 have spent this half of term learning all about castles. Having studied different ones from all around the globe and learnt in detail about some of the most common features you might find on, or in, a castle, they set about creating their own. Using entirely recycled materials, they've done a superb job and we think these castles are fit for any king or queen!
Year 3 Creative Writing - Fireworks
Year 3 have been getting into the seasonal spirit with some wonderful creative writing all about a trip to see fireworks. Using fizz-popping similies and vibrant pictures, they conjure up the perfect bonfire night atmosphere.
Wednesday 11th November - Armistice Day
Boxford School held a 2 minute silence at 11am on Wednesday 11th November to remember those who gave their lives in the two world wars as well as more recent conflicts. To mark this occasion, both Boxford church and post office displayed artwork featuring poppies in their windows. Year 5 have created some stunning pieces which are extremely moving and poignant.

Year 6 put steady hands to the test
Year 6 have had a great time learning about electricity circuits. Bringing their newly taught knowledge to life, they set about creating 'Steady hand buzz games' showcasing expert circuitry as well as impressive creative skills. Well done Year 6!
FoBS fundraising underway

The 20p and 5p Class Challenge has started! Bottles are in each class ready to be filled with 20p and 5p pieces. It’s a great way to get a few little jobs done at home in exchange for small change!
The class with the most money collected wins a class treat, closing date Friday 20th November – good luck! Last year, Year 2 were the winners and enjoyed an excellent talk about hedgehogs from the Suffolk Wildlife Trust.
Friday 23rd October (last day before half term) is dress down day in exchange for a donation to FoBS. Children can wear something in autumnal colours to welcome in the new season!
Mrs Jarmin retires after an incredible 54 years of service
Mrs Jarmin has decided to retire as a lunchtime assistant at the age of 90! Mrs Jarmin has seen many generations of children go through the school and has applied too many ice packs, and tended to too many scuffed knees, to remember. She has been a much-loved member of staff at Boxford Primary School for over 54 years and will be greatly missed by all. We wish her all the best for a relaxing retirement.
To celebrate her time with the school, Mrs Jarmin would love a bench placed in the playground in her name for children to use. To contribute, please place your donation in an envelope in the red internal post box in reception, marked with 'Mrs Jarmin's Retirement'. Please could all donations be made by Tuesday 20th October. Many thanks.
Year 4 celebrates European Day of Languages in artistic style
Aren't these fabulous? For European Day of Languages, Year 4 developed their knowledge of Spain and looked at the famous Spanish architect, Antoni Gaudí! We looked at lots of his unique trencadis mosaic masterpieces, before creating some of our own!