Designated Safeguarding Lead - Mrs Emma Lea (Headteacher)
Designated Safeguarding Lead - Mr Scott Reynolds
Governor responsible for Safeguarding - Mrs Gillian Mitchell
If you need URGENT safeguarding assistance outside of school hours you should contact Customer First on 0808 800 4005
Early Help
At Boxford Primary School we understand that from time to time family life can have its complications. These may be the times when you need some extra help and support. To support and advise you at such times we have an Early Help Offer.
Who can help?
Our Pastoral team is made up of Mrs Lea and Miss Hyde and our Family Support Worker Vashti Davies who is available every Tuesday to support families.
What sort of concerns might parents need to share with this team?
A wide range of issues such as behaviour management, financial worries and debts, domestic abuse, housing concerns, mobility difficulties, parents in prison, bereavement and loss, cyber bullying – in fact any concerns which you are worried might be having a negative impact on your children.
What might we offer in response to your concerns and how will this support be managed?
There are a range of ways of delivering support. Informal pastoral support meetings with a record of conversation might be all that is required. Behaviour Plans and Risk Assessments can be used to support individual pupils. For pupils at risk of exclusion Suffolk Pupils Support Frameworks could be initiated which involve frequent meetings between school, home and pupils to work together on agreed targets. Depending on the nature of the concern we may refer to the school nurse or the mental health team for Suffolk. If referral to the Early Help team is requested the school will work to draw up the documents with the parents and if accepted there will be an Early Help Team set up to plan and action the support required through a multi- agency team.
How will safeguarding procedures be effective in supporting families?
Boxford has three trained Designated Safeguarding Leads, with an additional member of staff training this school year. All staff are trained to identify and report safeguarding concerns. Where there are concerns raised the school will follow the reporting procedures. The team will work with families and all relevant agencies through Child in Need or Child Protection teams to reduce and remove identified risks to children. Support will be given to families by social workers and other relevant agencies including school.
How will our pupils learn to keep themselves safe?
Curriculum provision, especially through PSHE lessons, and additional work from outside agencies including NSPCC and the police, support our children in learning how to keep themselves safe. Children are also made aware of the role of the Pastoral Team in supporting them.
The school nurse is available for children who wish to talk in confidence to an adult who is not a member of the school staff.
Childline posters are displayed in school.
Who might the school refer to for more help?
- The Early Help Team
- Children and Young People’s Services
- The In Year Fair Access Panel
- County Inclusive Support Service
- Counselling
- School Nurse
- Speech and Language Therapist
- Educational Psychologist
- Young Carers
- Sendias – formerly known as parent partnership
- Local Offer Broker
- Educational Welfare Officer
- Primary Mental Health Worker
When should I contact Boxford’s Pastoral Team?
Contact us when you have a concern which is affecting your child(ren). We will always try to see you quickly or to give you a call to find out what the problem is and arrange to meet and discuss it with you.
The following policies may be useful and can be found on our website:
Safeguarding Policy
Online Safety Policy
Behaviour policy
Accessibility policy
SEND policy