"RE helps you realise that everyone believes different things - and that's okay." - Year 3 Pupil
"RE helps us think about 'Mutual Respect' because everyone lives their lives in different ways but we can learn to live with each other" - Year 3 Pupil
"It is important to me that I can talk about about special people." - Year 1 Pupil
"There's no right or wrong answer in RE - and that's what I like about it." - Year 5 Pupil
RE at Boxford Primary School
Aims and Objectives
Within the curriculum, RE provides a unique contribution to the education of the whole child – body, mind and spirit, and enables pupils to explore meaning and purpose in their own lives. It is important in its own right and provides a reminder to the importance of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all pupils.
Our specific aims at Boxford are to:
- Provide a broad and balanced RE curriculum within the framework of statutory requirements and those of the locally agreed syllabus (Suffolk Agreed Syllabus).
- Provide opportunities for the cultivation of children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
- Support children’s self-reflection about fundamental human beliefs and the purpose of life so that they can develop their own personal framework to live and flourish individually within a global community.
- Develop pupils’ knowledge and appreciation of Christianity and learn from other principal religions and world-views within the UK’s rich heritage of culture and diversity, whilst affirming their own faith.
- Prepare our pupils for adult life and employment by enabling them to develop respect and sensitivity to others regardless or faith, race, culture or beliefs.