Early Years Foundation Stage

Welcome to the foundation stage at Boxford School. We look forward to a long and happy association as your child begins his/her education. The foundation stage is the period of education from 4 to 5 years and incorporates children in the Reception class. Children arrive in school at very different stages in their development. It is the purpose of the foundation stage class to assess the development of the individual child and develop his/her abilities and potential as fully as possible.
The Foundation Class
The Foundation Class is an integral part of Boxford Primary School. It is housed in a large pleasant room especially designed for young children. It is well equipped with a wide range of books, educational toys, games and equipment to encourage children to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding they will need for their future education. There is a practical area for art and craft activities and a quiet area where children can sit and share books and listen to stories.
The classroom also has its own integral toilet facilities. Please see below for photos and a virtual tour of our light and vibrant Foundation classroom as well as its dedicated outdoor play area.