Phonics and Early Reading

- Phonics is taught systematically from Reception, following the Little Wandle program as recommended by the DFE. Children have daily, whole class session until the end of the Little Wandle phonics scheme has been reached. Activities include learning sounds, actions and letters , games and activities to support sounding out, segmenting and blending for reading and writing;
- Those children who are not making progress are provided with additional support, using appropriate interventions including the Little Wandle catch up program.
- Click here to view a video that shows the correct articulation of the phonemes (the sounds that letters make)
Reading scheme
At Boxford, we use the Collins Big Cat Reading Program, which supports the lessons Little Wandle provides. All books are linked to the children's phonetic ability and their appropriate Little Wandle phase. Children can therefore move through the scheme as they move through the phases of Little Wandle.
As well as a book that is phonetically decodable, children in Reception and Key Stage 1 are encouraged to choose an aspirational book, which they can share at home with a parent. This encourages reading for pleasure, which is an important part of a child's educational diet.
The books are organised as recommended by the Little Wandle Scheme and are available to view in our library .