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Call or email admissions@wadhurstpri.e-sussex.sch.uk to book a tour
David Hemsley-edit(1)

Executive Headteacher's welcome

A very warm welcome to Wadhurst. We are a nurturing, family-centred school with a strong Christian ethos set in the beautiful Sussex countryside.

At Wadhurst, we empower our young people to flourish; to demonstrate excellence in all that they do. We identify their unique talents, celebrate their individuality and help them to fully immerse themselves in our rich curriculum so that they leave us as confident, creative and caring citizens. Together, with our families at home and the wider community, we aspire and learn to be the best that we can be.

Thank you for taking the time to visit our website – we hope that you enjoy browsing and that you start to get a sense of the joy that we take in our learning journey.

Please visit anytime; you are always welcome.



Please contact the office if you would like to visit our school or Nursery or if you would like any further information about admissions. We look forward to welcoming you.


The school provides a broad and balanced curriculum which matches the educational needs of the children within the requirements of the National Curriculum.



Our onsite nursery is now open!  It is funded by East Sussex County Council and is an integral part of Wadhurst C.E. Primary School.



Welcome back to a new school term!  Our whole school christian value this term is: Honesty

Our big question is: Why is it sometimes difficult to be honest?

Bible Ref:  Romans 12:10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honour one another above yourselves.

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