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Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Admissions


​We offer 45 places in our Reception Year. for new admissions (this is our Published Admissions Number). 

Our Pre-School numbers continue to be very high but as always, these still allow for new families to join in Reception. 

The arangements and allocation for the admission of children to our school at age 4+ are made by East Sussex County Council, in accordance with the following criteria (in order of priority):

The admissions criteria for community and voluntary controlled schools are as follows:

  • Priority 1. Looked after children
  • Priority 2. Children with an exceptional medical or social need for whom attendance at any other school would be inappropriate
  • Priority 3. Children who will have a brother or sister at the school (or a linked infant or junior school) at the time of admission
  • Priority 4. Children wishing to transfer between a linked infant and junior school
  • Priority 5. Children living within a pre-defined community area
  • Priority 6. Children living outside the pre-defined community area

Apply for a school place:

ESCC Admissions website

East Sussex County Council Admissions Team: 0345 60 80 190


Open Mornings for those joining Nursery and for children starting Reception in September 2025

Thursday 24th October at 9am

Wednesday 20th November at 9am

To book, please call or email the school office or complete this short form. We look forward to welcoming you!

East Sussex County Council Admissions Team: 0345 60 80 190

In-Year Admissions

We would be delighted to take you on a tour of our school. Please contact the school office to arrange.

You will be asked to complete an in year admissions form and submit this directly to us. Wadhurst School applies the admissions criteria laid out by East Sussex County Council as described above.  Please click on the link below to find out more information about the criteria and how to apply: Schools/admissions/in-year/

If you have any questions please contact:  office@wadhurstpri.e-sussex.sch.uk or call 01892 783155. We look forward to welcoming you!

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