Phonics & Spelling
At Wadhurst CE Primary School & Nursery, we are dedicated to ensuring that ALL children develop the knowledge and skills needed to become confident and enthusiastic in reading and writing. From Reception to the time that children leave us in Year 6 we teach a consistant phonics programme that allows all children to engage with well-structured phonic sessions which are accessible and inspiring to all. We design opportunities that allow all children to deepen and apply their knowledge through all areas of the curriculum. Promoting curiosity, children are enabled to explore their phonetical knowledge through wider learning so that they are empowered to build independence. The development of speaking and listening skills as part of the delivery of Phonics sessions allows children to learn how to express themselves fluently and grammatically in speech. Our passion of immersing ourselves in reading and story language whilst using our phonic skills further develops our use of vocabulary, communication and speech within different contexts. Teachers recognise the importance of a consistant phonics approach and value the importance of seeing this woven through the teaching of reading, writing and oracy across the curriculum.
Our teachers are supported to understand that making sure pupils catch up and keep up with their reading is a priority, since it is vital for their access to the rest of the curriculum. High-quality teaching is essential so that all children can make progress. We give our pupils the opportunity of unlocking the wider world around them by equipping them with the core skills to read, write and communicate correctly. We aim to embed these skills so the children, once they leave Wadhurst are able to access the next stages in learning as well as in adult life. Our mission is to contribute to improving the life chances of children by ensuring that they become proficient readers and writers

Sounds write supports our ambition that all children at Wadhurst develop skills to have “good word recognition and good language comprehension” as guided by the “Simple view of reading”. We teach this program through a clear scripted approach which helps children receive consistency in their teaching and helps educate parents on ways to teach and support their child at home. The scripted program enables teachers and children to focus solely on the key skills of phonics and the routine which is clearly embedded within the children from the start of the program. We teach the children in whole class groups and ensure learning is accessible to all. We aim for 75-80% accuracy within a unit for a child to be able to progress to the next unit. If when revisited a child has been identified as struggling, they will have access to a follow up phonic session to address misconceptions and mistakes.
Our Principles For Great Teaching In Phonics

If our children are keeping up with the curriculum, they are deemed to be making good or better progress. We measure the impact of our curriculum through the reflection on what they know and remember in regards to our mapped knowledge goals for each year group, tracking knowledge through ongoing formative assessment opportunities in and across lessons. The impact of our Phonics curriculum is that our pupils are equipped with the knowledge that will enable them to be ready for the next stage of their curriculum and for life as an adult in the world outside the classroom.
We expect that when children leave Wadhurst children will be able to:
- Hold a conversation and communicate effectively
- Understand and use the vocabulary needed to read and write using the key skills – blending, segmenting, alternative spellings.
- Write for varying purposes applying phonetic knowledge, alphabet code and spelling rules.
- Read and understand texts, comprehending what they have read.
- Develop enthusiasm and love for reading through increased confidence from well-established phonic skills.
We will be able to evidence that children have achieved this through.......
- Goverment phonic screening scores, summative spelling scores, summative reading scores
- Sounds write assessments (for those identified)
- Reading diaries/ reading drop ins
- Children’s application in class across all areas and everyday reading opportunities
- Assessing for understanding across the curriculum
- Feedback/ case studies from interventions- provision maps
- Tracking and monitoring of formative and summative assessments