
We believe children gain great and lasting benefit from attendance at after school activities such as Scouts, Guides, Brownies, Cubs, After School Sports Club and those clubs run by school. We also believe that families relaxing together, going for walks and talking with each other is extremely valuable and to be encouraged. All these things are truly educational and often develop into lifelong interests. The aim is to be aware of these other demands on pupils when setting homework so that these demands are as even and balanced as possible.
Our home work policy is based upon a principle of encouraging and enhancing good patterns of learning and development. It reflects the idea that home work will start in the early years of schooling in an informal way through home/school reading links. As the children develop, this will become more structured, with set tasks to encourage independent learning by Year 6.
- to develop an effective home and school partnership which will enable children to become confident, independent learners who can fulfill their potential;
- to provide opportunities for pupils and parents to enjoy learning experiences together;
- to consolidate, reinforce and extend skills and understanding, particularly in literacy and mathematics.
Type and amount of homework:
Year group |
Time allocation |
Type of activities |
Early Years |
10 minutes per night
Sharing books Phonics practice Number work |
KS1 |
15 minutes per night
Sharing books Phonics / spelling practice Maths fluency and Consolidation from Lessons Number bonds recall practice using Numbots |
KS2 |
20/30 minutes per night
Sharing books and independent reading Phonics / spelling practice Writing/Grammar Practice and Consolidation Maths fluency and Consolidation from lessons Times tables recall practice using TTRockstars |
Sharing books will involve: reading to your child; listening to your child read; practising difficult words – using phonics, clues in the story and clues in the pictures; discussing what you liked about the story; predicting what might happen and using the best words in your own sentences. Fluent readers should be encouraged to read on their own for sustained periods of time and the discussion of what they have read can come after that.
Maths practice will be a mixture of games, learning number facts or tables and more formal activities. Supporting Whiterose videos will be used where possible to support parents and children with strategies used in school. On line tables practice through TT Rockstars is used in school and at home.
Spellings and Phonics Spelling patterns may be investigated using Soundswrite strategies used in school. Children will be encouraged to use new spellings and vocabulary in context to secure and deepen their understanding.
Knowledge Organisers are made available on the website each term to support many of our foundation subjects. These will provide parents the opportunity to share in the knowledge being taught across the curriculum and encourage further dialogue at home the will allow children to revisit learning and embed it within their long term memories.